The Responsible Pet Lover: A Veterinary BlogThe Responsible Pet Owner: A Veterinary Blog

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The Responsible Pet Lover: A Veterinary Blog

No matter how well you know your dog or cat, they cannot speak to you and tell you what is wrong. You have to rely on more subtle clues to determine how they are feeling. Taking them to the vet when their attitude seems a little off is also important. Your vet can run a series of diagnosis tests to give you a better idea what's wrong. Responsible pet owners are informed and knowledgeable about basic medical issues so they can smartly determine when to take their furry family member to the vet. On this website, we share articles to help you become a more knowledgeable, responsible owner. We know you want the best for your pet, and our goal is to help you provide that top-notch care.


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Why Your Dog Needs Regular Grooming

Regular grooming is essential for your dog's health and well-being. Dogs, like humans, need regular care and attention to help them look their best and stay healthy. There are numerous benefits to keeping your dog groomed regularly that go beyond the aesthetic.

Here are several reasons why your canine companion needs regular grooming. 

To Monitor Skin and Coat Conditions

Grooming helps keep your dog's skin and coat healthy. During a grooming session, it is possible to detect any changes in your dog's skin or coat. Your groomer can check for signs of infection, parasites, and other issues that may need to be addressed, such as lumps or bumps. This allows you and your groomer to take preventive measures before any conditions worsen. 

Additionally, grooming helps remove dead skin cells and dirt, which can cause itching and other skin issues. Regular brushing and combing also help distribute natural oils through your dog's fur, making it look healthy and shiny.

And finally, a good brushing helps remove any matted fur, which can be uncomfortable and cause skin issues. Matted fur can also lead to skin irritation and, in extreme cases, even infections. To get rid of any matted fur, your groomer can use a detangling solution and special tools to remove the knots. This will help keep your pup's fur healthy and tangle-free.

To Reduce Odor

Professional dog grooming can be a great way to reduce pet odors in your home. Regular brushing and trimming keep pet fur clean, free of dirt and debris, and eliminates the cause of odors. Additionally, bathing removes bacteria that can lead to persistent pet smells.

Professional grooming also helps keep your pet's coat healthy by exfoliating the skin and removing dead hair. This helps to reduce odor-causing oils from collecting on the skin, which contributes to bad odors. 

During a professional grooming session, special techniques are employed, such as using high-quality shampoo and conditioners formulated for a particular coat type or skin condition and medicated baths that can target specific problems causing odors.

Finally, professional groomers may use products like deodorizing sprays or specialized fragrances designed specifically for pets. These products can help remove odors at their source while adding a pleasant scent to your pup's coat after they leave the grooming salon.

Ultimately these treatments are necessary for reducing odor and maintaining proper hygiene conditions so you don't have to deal with an unwelcoming smell in your home.

Contact a local pet grooming service to learn more.